Sunday, September 20, 2009

Restoration and Finality

Too many times in my life I have been left with no finality on things. This has left big gashes and wounds in my life because I haven’t been able to resolve the matter internally and process all of my feelings and emotions without some sort of finality. I heard an awesome quote from FDR one time that helped “When you get to end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on”. I also like the added statement “and swing” at the end of this quote. But for some reason life doesn’t always work so easy. I feel like I have these loose, frayed ends that just hang there and I have a hard time resolving the matter. This has been a big challenge for me because of betrayal, loss, failed relationships, wondering why it happened like that, or what has happened since. What happens to me is the enemy keeps whispering in my ear “if you had only done this or you should have done that or if I had just said something else”. The enemy lies though to you and wants you to think that there is no restoration for you.

The good news is there is restoration for me. The restoration though must start in my heart. My mind will try to rationalize some thing or figure it out in my head and process it so it makes sense. I am only fooling myself though when I do this. This is where the enemy sneaks in and starts telling these lies. But if my heart is restored and I allow Jesus to come in to my heart all of this can be resolved with Him. As Jesus hung on the cross and said “It is finished” (John 19:30) he took all of my unrighteousness and sin and forgave me so that I can live a new life of joy and happiness with Him. When Jesus said it is finished we as Christians are suppose to rejoice that we have eternal life. It is a total gift that I am underserved of. The challenge with the world and religion is that it’s not always seen in this light. Religion teaches you, do these things then God will forgive you and accept you. That’s not what Christianity is about. Christianity is about accepting the gift that Jesus died for my sins and I am forgiven. From that a new heart will poor “rivers of living water” through me (John 7:38). From that I have new desires and want to live more Christ like. The true expression of Christian character is not in good-doing (works), but in God-likeness.

If I keep my relationship with Him right, then regardless of my circumstance, past pains, unresolved issues I can live joyful knowing that I am restored through His forgiveness. I no longer have to worry about what happened or what I could have done or should have done different. Once I have been a restored, have a new heart and a relationship with Jesus I no longer have to worry about finality. Because whatever circumstance I was in I was placed in it by God and He uses that to fulfill His purpose for me. But I must continue to “walk in the light as He is in the light” (1 John 1:7). I no longer have to worry about finality with anything in life any longer. I am restored through Him and can trust that all of these things have been done for a reason and all I need to do is hold on to the knot at the end of my rope and swing.

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